这火热的 “网红”“带货女王”“直播带货”等相关的新鲜词汇,用英语该怎么说呢?
1. 网红很红
As more users joined social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Twitter, many of them became content creators themselves, curating and crafting their own stories, photos, and videos for others to see. This is how social media influencers were born, and quickly attracted the attention of marketers. (by Rochelle Bailis, the VP of Marketing at Mediakix,)
1. social media platforms 社媒平台
2. content creator 内容创造者
3. social media influencer: 社媒影响人物
重点剖析influencer,字面和直接意思是“影响人物”,其实influencer 在社媒等相关的语境里,对应的中文意思就是“网红(Internet/online celebrities or Internet stars )”,也可以理解为是“KOL(关键意见领袖)”,提到KOL,在社媒领域,直播产业亦或是营销传播领域,KOL, KOC, IP这三个术语是经常提到的,对应的英文以及解释是这样的:
2. 直播太火
疫情期间,各大品牌商都在争相开启电商直播(e-commerce livestreaming),连携程等企业的高管都在直播带货
“Attention shoppers: there’s a sale happening right now — on your phone.”
英文:Live stream shopping (or simply live shopping) has taken over the e-commerce airwaves in China, fusing established shopping models like the Home Shopping Network or QVC with live video, content marketing, influencer marketing and entertainment value.
3. 带货王来了
They sell out stocks worth of millions of dollars in minutes, they make newest products trendy and famous, they are the most watched Chinese influencers and internet stars in China, they are the king and the queen of Chinese e-commerce! They are Chinese influencers Austin and Viya.
这里的the most watched Chinese influencers,字面的意思是“观看最多的中国网红”,其实在这个语境下,我们就可以理解为顶级流量,最强吸粉的意思;
“顶级流量”如果翻回英文:字面翻译是,top traffic,因为流量(traffic)主要指的是网络流量,数据流量,被娱乐行业借用可以理解为是影响力,吸粉力。
4. “一哥”“一姐”这样说
KOLs (Key Opinion Leader) are shaping up the world and how we view marketing. They are otherwise known as influencers. China has some huge KOLs that are changing the tides of their ecommerce market.
从这句我们可以看出KOL≈influencer≈Internet celebrities
英文:As the top 1 male Chinese influencer/Live stream sales KOL, Austin Li otherwise known as ‘The Lipstick King’ has some impressive accolades under his belt.
带货王:顾名思义,就是卖货最多,销售冠军的意思,而且主要指直播带货王的话,就可以说live stream sales King/KOL/influencer
Viya is another fierce Chinese influencer / KOL star, also known as live stream host who is a mix of an Internet star, model, influencer.
(直播)主播:live stream host/anchor