留学期间因个人被学校开除?感觉人生瞬间一片黑暗。别慌,你还有一张底牌——Appeal Letter(申诉信)!申诉信是国外很多大学给予那些被学校开除或被警告学生的一个申诉机会。但申诉的机会只有一次,一定要审慎撰写。
如果你因为成绩太差或者违反校规校纪等原因被学校开除,即使在学校作出决定之后,我们仍然还有一次为自己争取留校的机会,那就是向学校申诉。如果条件允许的话,和学校相关人士面谈并当面提出申诉,结果肯定是最理想的。但是如果学校不提供当面申诉的机会,或者在得到通知时,我们在国内或异地不能及时返校,那么,一封完美的Appeal Letter可能就是你最后的也是唯一的机会了。
申诉信Appeal Letter基本要素
首先我们必须要认清的状况是,如果要写这封信,那就代表学校已经对你能否顺利完成学业产生了怀疑。这封Appeal Letter的核心目的就是重塑学校对你的信心。一封成功的申诉信需要满足以下几点:
为了让各位小伙伴更加全面地了解,如何写好Appeal Letter申诉信,我们接下来就通过某位被美国大学开除学生所写的Appeal Letter来给大家具体说明,在此类信件中,我们应该如何陈述事实,表明态度以及请求学校考虑撤销开除决定。
申诉信Appeal Letter范例参考
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to appeal my academic dismissal from XX University. I was not surprised, but very upset to receive a letter earlier this week informing me of my dismissal. I would like to urge you to reinstate me for next semester.
I admit I had a very difficult time last semester, and my grades suffered as a result. I don’t mean to make excuses for my poor academic performance, but I would like to explain the circumstances. I knew that registering for 18 credit hours in the spring would require a lot of me, but I needed to earn the hours so that I was on track to graduate on time. I thought I could handle the workload, and I still think I could have, except that my father became very ill in February. While he was home sick and unable to work, I had to drive home every weekend and some weeknights to help out with household duties and to care for my little sister. Needless to say, the hour-long drive each way cut into my study time, as did the chores I had to do at home. Even when I was at school, I was very distracted with the home situation and was unable to focus on my schoolwork. I understand now that I should have communicated with my professors (instead of avoiding them), or even taken a leave of absence. I thought I could handle all of these burdens, and I tried my best, but I was wrong.
I love XX University, and it would mean so much to me to graduate with a degree from this school, which would make me the first person in my family to complete a college degree. If I am reinstated, I will focus much better on my schoolwork, take fewer hours, and manage my time more wisely. Fortunately, my father is recovering and has returned to work, so I should not need to travel home nearly as often. Also, I have met with my advisor, and I will follow her advice about communicating better with my professors from now on.
Please understand that my low GPA that led to my dismissal does not indicate that I am a bad student. Really, I’m a good student who had one very, very bad semester. I hope you will give me a second chance. Thank you for considering this appeal.
Sincerely,Student Name
申诉信Appeal Letter范例详解
这篇Appeal Letter可以作为范本的理由在于,首先,这位同学并没有直接承认自己的错误,也没有将这个结果归咎于其他人或者其他因素上。他在文章中清楚地提到了他父亲的身体因素,这个理由相信大多数人都会理解。同时,他也在Appeal Letter中正面地承认了自己在处理问题的时候有失妥当。他提到了,他应该在问题出现之前就及时和教授联系,及时退课或者在父亲病重需要紧急处理的时候选择暂时停课休学等。他意识到了自己的错误并作出了总结,同时没有推卸责任,也没有给自己找任何借口。
当然,这封Appeal Letter也有可以改进的地方。信中只是简单地提到“will focus much better on schoolwork”以及“manage time more wisely”,如果能够更详细地给出一个具体计划则会效果更好,比如若再次出现同样情况,这位同学会怎样“focus much better on schoolwork”?他的“time management plan”到底会如何有效安排自己的学习和私人事务呢?这些都是可以具体说明,让学校更加相信,这位同学已经在积极改正,此类错误不会再犯。
总得来说,这篇Appeal Letter向学校展示的就是一个知错就改,值得原谅的学生形象。正常情况下,这封态度诚恳又有着尊重他人态度的信应该能得到学校的正面回复。当然,如果学校确实无法收回决定,我们也要尊重学校决定,积极主动地早做打算,争取一个最好的结果。